You Cubez

You Cubez is a place where you can earn money, and in the same time you can promote any website you have! Instead of wiewing sites as links, here are links to sites in form of a cube. Evry cube is some site actaly. But let's focus on earning area at the point. You have 3 tipes of earnings.

1. is CubeFunds, and they are for adding worth to yours cubes.

2. is AccountFunds and they are only for buying items on site(cubes,membership,etc)

3. is EarningFunds and this is real money which you can actually withrdraw.

This is how actually looks cubes for real cash:

You can ask for payment when you have 8£ via Payzaa or PayPal

Link to register is

Now for the part where you can advertise here.
You can buy cube for 1£ and start with 0, or you can buy some cube that is on sale by other memmber an get a head start. That actually means that you can buy some cube for let's say 5£ that has in it some CubeFunds and what that means is that your cube will have more visitors since it is on first lets say 10 pages, and not on 500 page, what is case when you buy new cube. You can complete offers to get AccFunds and then buy cube, or you can get 5£ when you have clicked on 100 EarningFunds.
Not whery simple, but you can get more information on their forum.