PTC or Paid To Click, the name says it all!
This form of earnings can be very high if you know your way around internet and can gather referrals, otherwise earnings are far less.
You must promote yourself, namely to bring people to those sites over you and when they earn some money, you get a portion of earnings to you. This way you can earn much more.
You just have to be persistent in seeking referrals and do not raise hands after week,month, maybe even longer. Also, referrals to all sites can be bought for a certain amount of money, if you are willing to invest money.
On the blog you will find a variety of PTC sites to choose from. Choose which ones suits you and go! My advice is as much as you can, because when everything is added up, even for yourself, that will be enough to make it go to summer vacation you can afford, if nothing else. You will only need an hour of your day, so invest your time, if nothing else.